Wednesday, May 27, 2009

What The Hell am I Doing?

I've been really struggling with that questions a lot lately. Am I researching my new idea? Am I trying to plan some type of money making project to get by and build up a few bucks to put towards the new idea? Did I uncover a new and different (and really cool) idea while thinking through the money making idea? Am I trying to work through a home improvement project that has to get done? Am I trying to write this crazy blog? These are all things I need to be doing, but how?

Thus far I've been just slicing my time up a little at a time, but it just feels like I'm spinning my wheels. Feeling pretty frustrated, I recently read this post on Twitter by one of my followers, KirkTaylorCom, (follow Ed at twitter\KirkTaylorCom) that was like a huge reality kick in the butt!

Here is what KirkTaylorCom had to say:

What do you do to stay focused?

Distractions come from all directions, sometimes they appear as opportunities (they are for someone, but maybe not you) and other times it is something that gives pleasure for the short term. What do you do to combat these distractions?

Staying on focus is tough, even tougher the more successful that you get. You think that you can stray from the plan and have no worries doing so until you realize that your distraction just held you back. Distractions have just as much power when you are relaxed as when you were under the gun.

Focus allows you to say no to things that might make you money, but don’t contribute to the end game. How can you develop a sustainable plan if you are taking a turn every time you start moving forward? You might find a new channel you can do but if you don”t have the resources to do it all, then don’t! Pick your target and move towards that one. This is a major reason why entrepreneurs will continue to struggle with success. It is a major struggle for me as I reach towards being successful.

Sometimes we lose focus because of negative influences. That is when you have to make the decision to ignore those negative influences and focus on what you can impact. As you become more successful, the negative influences lose power. If they cause you to hesitate you loose the power. Keep moving forward.


KirkTaylorCom, your words are a huge reminder for me to grab the task as hand, focus, plan accordingly and execute and to keep the negative energy from sucking the life out of me. But no matter what, just keep moving forward!

In a previous post I mentioned that the David Allen's Getting Things Done system that I'm following is a work in progress. Well, I've determined that I need to get more disciplined with my weekly review and a bit more granular in my task creation by way of brainstorming my next action. This way I'll be able to weed out what will move the plan forward and what will not. As well, I need to stop being my own energy hog. I've found myself wallowing in "how am I going to do all this" for a while now. I'm usually a very positive person and pretty decisive, but as I've reflected on this I believe a bit of fear has crept in allowing the negativity to take hold. Reading through Ed's post and then actually writing about it has been very therapeutic. Focusing my thoughts while writing this post has actually helped to squelch some fear and provides some clarity. Now I need to capitalize on this momentum and plod ahead.

In the words of Larry the Cable Guy, I guess I just need to "Git 'er done!"

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